Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Planned Parenthood Stays In Women's Health Program ? CBS ...

File photo of Tex. governor Rick Perry. (Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)

File photo of Tex. governor Rick Perry. (Photo by Ronald Martinez/Getty Images)

GEORGETOWN, Texas (AP) ? Planned Parenthood will continue to receive funds from a joint Texas and federal program providing health care to low-income women, despite the state?s promise to exclude its clinics by Nov. 1 because they are affiliated with abortion providers.

Gov. Rick Perry has pledged to boot Planned Parenthood from the Texas Women?s Health Program after the Republican-dominated Legislature in 2011 reinstated a law prohibiting state funds from going to organizations linked to abortion providers. The federal government funds 90 percent of the program, which costs around $40 million annually, but the Obama administration claimed the Texas law violates federal rules ? prompting Perry to vow to use only state money to keep the program going.

The governor traveled to a health clinic north of Austin on Wednesday to announce that the state is ready to begin a program with only Texas funds starting Thursday. Health and Human Service Commissioner Kyle Janek said the program will not begin operating immediately and may not take effect until the end of the year since Texas expects federal funding to continue at least until Dec. 31.

Janek said the state has signed up enough health care providers to launch a state-funded program, but acknowledged his agency is still verifying they have the capacity to take on the 50,000 patients currently treated by Planned Parenthood.

Complicating matters are three lawsuits that remain unresolved. A state judge last week temporarily ordered the state to include Planned Parenthood in the program as long as it collects federal funds. The judge scheduled a hearing in that case for Nov. 8.

Janek said he is hopeful the courts will side with the state and allow the exclusion of Planned Parenthood. He said he also hopes the federal government will continue funding the Women?s Health Program, even with the ban on groups linked to abortion providers in place. If the courts decide in the state?s favor, then a new state-funds-only program will be unnecessary.

?The state program is ready to go, but we?re continuing in the federal program until such time that the courts say ?you either let in Planned Parenthood or other affiliate groups,? or ?stop the program entirely,?? Janek said.

Still, even if Texas loses in court, it is assuming the federal government will not halt funding until the end of year, despite its previous assurances that officials would be ready to run the program using only state funds by Thursday. The federal Centers for Medicare and Medicaid did not immediately respond to calls and emails seeking comment.

That means, no matter what, enrollees in the Texas Women?s Health Program can continue to visit Planned Parenthood clinics and have their care covered by the program ? at least for now.

Perry?s office says continuing the program for at least two more months is not a retreat from its earlier promises to immediately defund Planned Parenthood. Texas Attorney General Greg Abbott has filed suit in Washington arguing the federal government should have never severed funding to the program over the so-called ?affiliate rule.?

Stephanie Goodman, a spokeswoman for the Texas Health and Human Services Commission, said Texas did not ask for federal funding to continue through the end of the year ?but we?ve also never received an official notice as to when the federal funding would stop.?

Planned Parenthood provides cancer screenings and other services ? but not abortions ? to about half of the around 130,000 low-income Texas women enrolled in the Women?s Health Program, which is designed for those who might not otherwise qualify for Medicaid.

Addressing reporters and a small crowd that included several women, one with an infant in her lap, at Georgetown?s Lone Star Circle of Care clinic, Perry said ?we?ve not only created a program that meets the needs of Texas women, it also respects life.?

?It honors the will of Texas voters and ensures that no taxpayer money goes to abortion providers and or their affiliates,? he said.

But moments later, Planned Parenthood also declared victory, saying in a statement: ?Texas officials will continue to operate the Medicaid Women?s Health Program as long as federal funding remains available, even while they claimed they are ?ready? to start a new, 100 percent state funded Texas Women?s Health Program.?

Perry accused Planned Parenthood of furthering a ?pro-abortion agenda? and demanded that the group drop its legal challenges.

?If they file a lawsuit challenging the Texas program and they were to prevail, they will kill this program,? he said. ?They would be responsible for denying these important services to the low-income women of Texas.?

(? Copyright 2012 The Associated Press. All Rights Reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.)


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Jam Master Jay, 10 Years Later: Losing One Of Hip-Hop's 'Greatest'

Ten years after his death, Eric 'Shake' James remembers Run DMC's fallen DJ.
By Maurice Bobb

Jam Master Jay
Photo: Getty Images/Bob Berg


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Tuesday, October 30, 2012

TEXT-S&P Lowers Rtg On Emerald Assets Ltd. - Portfolio 1 Notes

(The following was released by the rating agency)

MELBOURNE (Standard & Poor's) Oct. 29, 2012--Standard &

Poor's Ratings Services today lowered its rating on the Series

P1-AAA-002 notes issued by Emerald Assets Ltd. - Portfolio 1 to

'AA- (sf)' from 'AA (sf)'. The rating action follows the

lowering of our long- and short-term counterparty credit ratings

on BNP Paribas to 'A+/A-1' from 'AA-/A-1+' (see research update

titled "Various Rating Actions Taken On French Banks Due To

Rising Economic Risks," Oct. 25, 2012).

The Emerald Assets Ltd. - Portfolio 1 notes are commercial

mortgage-backed securities (CMBS) supported by a portfolio of

industrial and business park properties in Singapore. The rating

on the notes is dependent on the credit rating on BNP Paribas,

which acts as the currency-swap provider to the transaction. The

rating on the notes is limited to one notch higher than that of

the currency-swap provider under Standard & Poor's Counterparty

Risk Framework Methodology And Assumptions.


SEC Rule 17g-7 requires an NRSRO, for any report

accompanying a credit rating relating to an asset-backed

security as defined in the Rule, to include a description of the

representations, warranties and enforcement mechanisms available

to investors and a description of how they differ from the

representations, warranties and enforcement mechanisms in

issuances of similar securities. The Rule applies to in-scope

securities initially rated (including preliminary ratings) on or

after Sept. 26, 2011.

If applicable, the Standard & Poor's 17g-7 Disclosure Report

included in this credit rating report is available at "



Please refer to the initial rating report for any additional

regulatory disclosures that may apply to a transaction. RATING

LOWERED Class Rating to Rating from P1-AAA-002 AA- (sf) AA (sf)


-- Asia Pacific Feels The Pressure Of Ongoing Global

Economic Uncertainty, Sept. 23, 2012

-- CMBS Global Property Evaluation Methodology, Sept. 5,


-- Counterparty Risk Framework Methodology And Assumptions,

May 31, 2012

-- Assessing Credit Quality By the Weakest Link, Feb. 13,


-- Global Structured Finance Scenario And Sensitivity

Analysis: The Effects Of The Top Five Macroeconomic Factors,

Nov. 4, 2011

-- Principles of Credit Ratings, Feb. 16, 2011


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Monday, October 29, 2012

Authenticity Vs Faking It - The Self Improvement Blog

By Karen Eriksen -

I wrote a book on political advocacy, but I have never been very political in my personal or work lives. What I mean by that is that I have tried to be authentic, true to who I am, honest in all of my dealings with people. ?What you see is what you get,? so to speak.

And, most times, ?what you get? is an unfinished product. Sometimes, because I am an extravert, that product is being worked on or completed during the process of the conversation. Those on the listening end get to see the ?construction? process in all its gory detail and incompleteness, and therefore, sometimes see struggle.

Often after these conversations, if someone has been receptive to listening to me ?become,? the growth process continues independently, beyond the conversation, and I realize that ?becoming? is an ongoing, never ending, never static process.

Authenticity is being fully ourselves, even while knowing that that ?self? is a work in progress. Therefore, being authentic, by definition, is about ongoing growth, about recognizing that we are all in a process of becoming, about being willing to share that journey with another human being, and about knowing that if more people were willing to join with one another, we would all gain much needed support for the journey. We would not have our journey?s so often derailed by in authenticity ? Okay, let?s just be honest, by lying, by fabricating, by trying to get what we want from people, and by saying whatever we have to say in order to get it. And if we are so willing to do it, we have to assume that others are doing the same with us.

In some cases, perhaps in authenticity is less conscious than outright lying or faking it. For instance, my experiences in some work and personal relationships have persuaded me that not everyone is ready for authenticity. In personal relationships, some folks I meet have been so damaged that they must be handled with kid gloves. Or their maturity or developmental capacities are such that any negatives from another person feel ultimately destructive, and so they can?t bear it. Some have not developed enough of a sense of ?self? that they can consciously step back from and work on.

In work settings, it sometimes has seemed as though people are keeping their authentic selves behind some sort of barrier, as though there were some rule that these selves are not to be expressed at work. And so, I have ended up wondering what others really think about ideas that have been proposed. For those who are more introverted (that is, they process their thoughts and work on themselves more privately than publicly), it probably makes sense that I am not hearing their reactions in meetings. But it doesn?t make much sense that I wouldn?t hear their thoughts in more private conversations.

I have particularly been surprised and disappointed by this state of affairs given that much of my work has been with mental health professionals, who should have the capacity and know the value of speaking honestly and openly, and of resolving any difficulties that emerge from being authentic, from telling the truth, from being incomplete in the presence of others.

Because I now realize this typically inauthentic state of affairs, I spend a little more time in both personal and work relationships trying to assess the other person?s capacities and expectations. And I really value situations in which I can be authentic and can trust the other person to be authentic in return. In which both parties are clear that authenticity and relationships are a process, that everything one says doesn?t have to be perfect or a final product because in the process of conversation, both people can allow themselves to change their minds, to grow, to learn, to become more than they were when they started. And they can trust that the other person is not only willing to engage in this process, but is trustworthy to offer them the support they need to be ?in process.?

I have also learned to test the waters a bit more-to check with people who ask me questions ? do they really want the truth? And then, I sometimes send up a test balloon gently telling them my truth and checking with them on whether they are okay, or asking them what they think about what I have said. I find it helps, if their emotions are running high, if I reflect their feelings (?You seem a bit upset about this?) or anticipate what their feelings might be in response to what I am saying (?I am afraid you might be offended by what I am saying, but that is not my intent.?). After some time of working with a person, or being in relationship with someone who values this authentic process, I find myself relaxing, and as I indicated before, really valuing the relationship, the person, and the opportunity to journey together through this interesting and sometimes difficult process called ?Life.? These are the people I prefer to work with. These are the people who become my friends.

And these are the people who are my support group in a life journey that includes being a community and developing communities with many different types of people.

What about you? Have you thought about authenticity? Is it something you value? Have you discovered who your authentic self is? Have you tried to grow in your authenticity wherever you find yourself? Do you experience authenticity in your relationships? Have you ever tried to intentionally create it in your relationships?

If you haven?t, I think you are missing something of ultimate importance. If you haven?t, you may not have the support that all of us need in our journey through life. If you haven?t, you may not know how to rediscover happiness or life satisfaction when it disappears. If you haven?t, you may need professional counseling when life throws you a curve-many of us do. But those of us with authentic relationships have others to support us through the difficult times in life because others have been walking beside us on the journey all along. Jot your thoughts in response to these questions and ideas below.

Dr. Karen Eriksen
Eriksen Institute for Ethics

Article Source:




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Sandy forces New York law firms to work remotely

(Reuters) - With Hurricane Sandy bearing down on New York, law firms on Monday scrambled to keep operations running normally, with attorneys working remotely via BlackBerry and computer, and skeletal crews manning offices in midtown Manhattan.

Law firms such as Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy and Cahill, Gordon & Reindel shuttered their offices because they are in or near the high risk financial-district areas evacuated by the city. Dozens of other firms outside the high risk areas, including Paul, Weiss, Rifkind, Wharton & Garrison and Wachtell, Lipton, Rosen & Katz, took similar precautions.

Firms had various plans to keep their employees informed of developments. Cadwalader, located at One World Financial Center, provided its attorneys with updates about technology safeguards and backup systems via email and an emergency telephone hotline, according to a spokesman.

Telephone calls and faxes to New York were re-routed to the firm's office in Charlotte, North Carolina. Cadwalader also used a meeting space in midtown Manhattan to accommodate about 50 lawyers and support staff who were able to make it to work.

Jonathan Schaffzin, an executive committee member and corporate partner at Cahill Gordon, said that with attorneys working remotely, the storm's effect had been minimal as of Monday morning. But the firm's ability to continue to conduct business would depend on factors beyond its control, such as whether courts or client offices were open, or whether the power went out at a particular lawyer's residence, Schaffzin said.

Federal district courts in Delaware, the District of Columbia, Maryland, New York, New Jersey, and Virginia were closed on Monday, as were the Courts of Appeals for the Second, Third, and D.C. Circuits in New York, Philadelphia, and Washington, D.C., respectively.

"I had a couple deals close this morning actually, so the world moves on," said Schaffzin, declining to elaborate on the specifics of the deal. "At some point, everything will grind to a stand-still," he said.

Lawyers at White & Case, located on Sixth Avenue in midtown, were also working remotely, said partner Mort Pierce. "In the past, in bad storms, if something had to get done, and people had to be in the office to get the work done, they always found a way," Pierce said in an email. "I assume it will be no different this time."

Attorneys at Perkins Coie's Manhattan office were working to obtain an early filing date for several trading system patent applications for a financial services client, according to a Perkins Coie spokesman.

Firms with a presence outside of the northeastern United States leaned on offices in those cities to pick up some of the slack. Reed Smith's Global Customer Center in Pittsburgh was "answering the telephones and handling other matters for the closed locations," Pat Hiltibidal, the firm's chief of offices services, said in an email.

Kramer Levin's backup business continuity center in Long Island, which runs parallel systems to the firm's New York office in case of a power outage, remained on alert.

Hurricane Irene in August 2011 informed some of firms' contingency planning for Hurricane Sandy. Locke Lord provided more information to attorneys this time around, said a spokeswoman. In the event that communications go down in New York, the firm's Chicago office will send out updates on office openings and preparation guidelines via their internal website and a telephone hotline, she said.

(Reporting by Peter Rudegeair, Casey Sullivan and Nate Raymond; editing by Eileen Daspin)


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The initial step in self improvement is realizing and admitting that you will discover a gap in your lifetime involving where you are, and where by you would want to be. Lots of people don?t accomplish this, however it is an important step. If you don?t recognize a challenge, how could you get a remedy?

Creating amount of time in your daily agenda for your self is vital for private advancement. Working for other individuals is typical ? even, in some instances, extremely commendable ? but to be able to see achievement in a self improvement program, you need to set aside some individual time to work at that success. Even a little bit of timetabled time is preferable to not one whatsoever.

Your own personal advancement goals, as stated at the outset of this article, is possible by going forward purposefully, in depth. Take advantage of the helping pointers and advice that you learned on this page to help, while you maintain moving in the direction of having productive comes from your own personal advancement attempts.

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Sunday, October 28, 2012

How Self-Talk and Stress Levels Impact Your Relationship With ...

How we deal with what most stresses us shapes and is shaped by how we communicate, and ultimately the relationship between you, your mind and body.

In Part 1, we looked at how inner self-talk impacts the quality of communication between your mind and body, and how the subconscious relies on this interpretive inner dialogue to understand you, regarding the specifics of your life from day one to the present moment, as part of its job in optimally operating all the systems that come together to make you?possible.

In this post, we consider how this inner stream of consciousness also impacts and is impacted by the direction and quality of the relationship you have with your self, mind and body, and arguably your life and relationships in general.

If how you talk to yourself inside decides whether your autonomic nervous system remains relatively calm or unnecessarily turns on your body?s survival system, that means you have a built-in capability to direct ? or redirect ? the overall state of your mind and body.

The power of interpretive thoughts and beliefs?

Your body, in the form of self-talk, makes subconscious decisions for you around the clock. This inner dialogue is a stream of consciousness that has an enormous effect on every aspect of your life and relationships.

Interpretive thoughts, in particular, form words and pictures that shape your imagination and, in turn, modulate your body?s emotion and physiology. When thought patterns are repeated, over time, they form emotional-command neural circuits that automatically direct what and how you think, talk and act, because ? they bypass the frontal cortex of your brain.

It?s?how your brain learns and adapts to change.

When this inner dialogue, however, consists of toxic thinking patterns and limiting beliefs that?unnecessarily?activate your survival system, literally, your body takes subconscious control of responses, thus, your capacity to make conscious choices.?In survival mode, the body shuts off most all communication to the higher cortex and relies instead on ?proven? protective strategies it has stored in memory.

As occurs in relationships, ?how? you communicate with your self impacts how you consciously or subconsciously relate with every aspect of yourself, i.e., your thoughts, emotions, feelings, physiological sensations, and so on.?Regardless how well-intentioned, in the same way that verbal attacks erode a relationship between two people, negative thoughts about your self or your attributes, etc., weaken the connection to your own inner resources by:

  • Activating survival response of the body to some degree.
  • Producing low-energy emotional states (fear-based) ?that disturb your sense of safety and security inside.
  • Turning off the regular operations of the body?s systems (reserved for protective mode) and thus otherwise amazing inner resources.
  • Blocking optimal emotional states, such as hope, compassion and belief in yourself, which are essential to energize actions toward a more healthy, happy and fulfilled you!

It?s an ongoing process, and love-based emotional states produce entirely different outcomes from fear-based ones.

This means that, in some areas of your life, habitual responses may be shaping your life ? rather than you.

Toxic patterns are limiting because they constrain, in varying degrees, what you believe is possible for you to achieve and who you are capable of becoming.

For example, the thought of stopping at a favorite place for a cup of coffee may not be cause for activating your survival response in most cases; however, what if you and a loved one had a heated argument at your favorite coffee shop the night before or last week? In this case, even though you?ve since made up, the thought may bring a rush of emotions that, in extreme cases, may lead you to (an unreasonable) decision to never go to this coffee shop again ? ever! In other words, the mere thought of coffee can activate dynamic processes in your body that cause you to re-experience the event. Even worse, if you?ve decided to never go to that coffee shop again, it means your body is reacting with nearly the same physiological intensity and processes it would use as if you were facing a lion in the jungle!

If this were the case, you?d likely consider this a limiting or debilitating thinking pattern, right?

Though this may sound absurd, your body makes subconscious decisions like this all the time. Is there a particular food, situation, or person with certain traits you go out of your way to avoid? Does a part of you seem to resist your efforts to change a behavior?

The deciding factor? Your beliefs.

How?s the relationship between you, your mind and body?

The beliefs you hold to be true about a situation form powerful perception filters that, in varying degrees, either limit or increase your options, thus, they have the power to either harm or enrich how you relate to yourself and the world around you.

Subconscious patterns are connected to emotional command circuitry in the brain that literally dictates whether, as a person, you are free to be overall happy and fulfilled or unhappy and overstressed. Thoughts and the underlying beliefs that spawn them determine whether you live a relatively fulfilling life or fight a losing battle with stress and stressors.

Like most, you may not be conscious of many of your perceptions; they are the habitual way you explain life experiences to yourself in your mind and they are subconscious.

Your choices are being controlled by subconscious choices you made (or were made for you) in the past.?Why subconscious?

First, they were recorded subconsciously. One of the reasons young children?s brain can quickly pick up a vast amount of information is that they have not yet formed ?perception? filters. Until children?s brains form selective perception filters, their subconscious allows the integration of a lot of unfiltered information. Once language is learned, the process is no longer passive. The subconscious mind can then turn off ?learning mode,? and go into the ?protective mode? as needed.

Second, a lot of potentially ?good? information is automatically ignored or rejected. Once the subconscious forms selective filters, a lot of healthy data goes undetected or gets automatically vetoed by these perception filters because of the selective, protective processes they activate.?Of course, most or all of this occurs beneath the surface of awareness, subconsciously.

If your inner dialogue decides whether your mind and body remain?relatively?calm or get?unnecessarily?triggered, that means you have a built-in choice, a capability to decide how you will direct ? or redirect ? the communication between you and your body, and thus decide how you relate to your mind and body, all parts of you.

Whether you make use of this amazing capacity, however, once again depends on what you believe. If your believe you are the agent and choice maker of your life in charge of your happiness, you will create radically different results than if you believe you have the short end of the stick, and blame certain others for your unhappiness.

The most important decision you make in life may be whether you are the primary agent who decides your choices and responses, particularly, when it comes the matters of the heart.?Do you wait for clues from others that you are loved, worthwhile, valuable, for example?

Who is in charge of your heart and happiness?

Your subconscious relies on your inner dialogue to understand you, regarding the specifics of your life from day one to the present moment, as part of its job in optimally operating all the systems that work together to make up the most amazing system of all: you!

Your responses or reactions say a lot about how you interpret events you experience in and around you. The belief systems you hold to be true form personal perception filters that automatically explain your experiences, and this rapid fire communication is going on at all time without your awareness as a function of your body?s natural orientation to learning.

Consciously or subconsciously, you are where you are in your life, for the most part, thanks to the thoughts you think on a consistent basis.

As occurs in relationships, how you communicate with your self inside enhances or reduces the relationship quality you have with all aspects of your physical, emotional and mental world.

Your internal dialogue or self-talk not only modulates the quality of communication between your mind and body, or conscious-self and subconscious-self, but also forms the basis for how you?relate?with yourself and inner (thus also outer?) world of sensations in your mind, consciously or subconsciously.

This can be good news. Conceivably it means your body (Nature?) expects you, at some point, to?develop?awareness of your built-in capacity to sort through and consciously, thoughtfully?choose?moment by moment?how?you use language to create optimal emotional states of mind and body in order to in turn create your best and healthiest you, life and future.

Perhaps the most important choice you make in life is whether to you believe, feel and treat your self as the choice-maker and creative agent of your life.

To do so is a prerequisite to embarking on a journey that forms and maintains quality relationships with your self, all parts of you, mind and body ? and life around. You deserve this (so does life around you).

Relationship consultant, author, licensed marriage and family therapist, Dr. Athena Staik shows clients how to break free of anxiety, addictions, and other emotional blocks, to awaken radiantly healthy lives and relationships. Dr. Staik is currently in private practice in Northern VA, and writing her book, Safe Enough to Love?: Breaking Free of Addictive Love in Couple Relationships. To contact Dr. Staik for information, an appointment or workshop, visit, or visit on her Facebook fan page DrAthenaStaik

Like this author?
Catch up on other posts by Athena Staik, Ph.D. (or subscribe to their feed).

????Last reviewed: 27 Oct 2012

APA Reference
Staik, A. (2012). How Self-Talk and Stress Levels Impact Your Relationship With Your Self ? Mind and Body, 2 of 2. Psych Central. Retrieved on October 28, 2012, from



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'Argo' finally tops box office with $12.4M

LOS ANGELES (AP) ? It took three weeks, but "Argo" finally found its way to the top of the box office.

The Warner Bros. thriller from director and star Ben Affleck, inspired by the real-life rescue of six U.S. embassy workers during the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis, made nearly $12.4 million this weekend, according to Sunday studio estimates. "Argo" had been in second place the past two weeks and has now made about $60.8 million total.

Debuting at No. 3 was the sprawling, star-studded "Cloud Atlas," which made a disappointing $9.4 million. The nearly three-hour drama, also from Warner Bros., was co-directed by siblings Lana and Andy Wachowski and Tom Tykwer and features an ensemble cast including Tom Hanks, Halle Berry and Hugh Grant playing multiple roles over six story lines.

Dan Fellman, head of distribution at Warner Bros., said the studio thought there might be a good chance of "Argo" coming out on top this weekend.

"We're thrilled. An accomplishment like that is well deserved, they don't happen very often. You would probably have to do a lot of searching to find a movie that opened in wide release to have two No. 2 weekends in a row and hit No. 1 in the third week," Fellman said. "It's a tribute to the film. Word-of-mouth has taken over the campaign. We have a long way to go, we have a lot of year-end accolades which will approach, and we'll see what happens in terms of the Academy."

On the flip side, Fellman acknowledged that "Cloud Atlas" underperformed compared to hopes that it would end up in the $11-12 million range domestically. The movie had an estimated budget of $100 million. But he pointed out that it had a higher per-screen average than any other film opening in the top 10 with $4,681.

"We did very well on the East and West coasts in a number of major cities," he said. "We're challenged in the Midwest and the South."

It was a soft weekend all around, though, with several newcomers opening poorly, box-office analyst Paul Dergarabedian pointed out. The horror sequel "Silent Hill: Revelation 3-D" from Open Road Films debuted at No. 5 with $8 million and the Paramount Halloween comedy "Fun Size" arrived in 10th place with just over $4 million. "Chasing Mavericks," an inspirational surfing drama from Fox 2000, didn't even open in the top 12 ? it came in at No. 13 with $2.2 million.

The World Series might have been a factor in keeping folks away from the theaters; also, potential moviegoers along the East Coast in the path of Hurricane Sandy might have stayed home this weekend.

"The whole marketplace felt more like September than October. Back in September, we had four down weekends in a row. There was no momentum in the marketplace," Dergarabedian said. "When a holdover is No. 1, it reflects a lack of strength in the marketplace. Every week should have a new movie topping the chart."

As for the philosophical, centuries-spanning "Cloud Atlas," he said: "To have a) a big budget, b) Tom Hanks and c) it's a big, epic film, it doesn't necessarily follow that it's going to be a big box office hit. I admire that they went for it."

But there's hope on the horizon with the animated comedy "Wreck-It Ralph" coming next weekend, the latest James Bond film, "Skyfall," opening Nov. 9 and the final installment in the "Twilight" saga due out Nov. 16. "Skyfall" opened this weekend overseas with a whopping $77.7 million in 25 countries.

"This is just one of those box office weekends we'd rather forget," Dergarabedian said. "Unless you're 'Argo.'"

Estimated ticket sales are for Friday through Sunday at U.S. and Canadian theaters, according to Where available, latest international numbers are also included. Final domestic figures will be released Monday.

1. "Argo," $12.4 million. ($5 million international.)

2. "Hotel Transylvania," $9.5 million. ($18.1 million international.)

3. "Cloud Atlas," $9.4 million.

4. "Paranormal Activity 4," $8.7 million. ($14.1 million international.)

5. (tie) "Silent Hill: Revelation 3-D," $8 million.

6. "Taken 2," $8 million. ($10.1 million.)

7. "Here Comes the Boom," $5.5 million.

8. "Sinister," $5.07 million.

9. Alex Cross," $5.05 million.

10. "Fun Size," $4.1 million.



Estimated weekend ticket sales at international theaters (excluding the U.S. and Canada) for films distributed overseas by Hollywood studios, according to Rentrak:


1. "Skyfall," $77.7 million.

2. "Hotel Transylvania," $18.1 million.

3. "Paranormal Activity 4," $14.1 million.

4. "The Bourne Legacy," $11.5 million.

5. "Taken 2," $10.1 million.

6. "The Impossible," $8.7 million.

7. "Madagascar 3," $8.4 million.

8. "Asterix et Obelix: Au Service de Sa Majeste," $5.3 million.

9. (tie) "Argo," $5 million.

10. "Ted," $5 million.


Universal and Focus are owned by NBC Universal, a unit of Comcast Corp.; Sony, Columbia, Sony Screen Gems and Sony Pictures Classics are units of Sony Corp.; Paramount is owned by Viacom Inc.; Disney, Pixar and Marvel are owned by The Walt Disney Co.; Miramax is owned by Filmyard Holdings LLC; 20th Century Fox and Fox Searchlight are owned by News Corp.; Warner Bros. and New Line are units of Time Warner Inc.; MGM is owned by a group of former creditors including Highland Capital, Anchorage Advisors and Carl Icahn; Lionsgate is owned by Lions Gate Entertainment Corp.; IFC is owned by AMC Networks Inc.; Rogue is owned by Relativity Media LLC.


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Saturday, October 27, 2012

Gigantic invisible cocoons of dark matter may suck up rogue stars

These findings suggest the halos of dark matter surrounding galaxies are not completely dark after all, but contain a small number of stars, investigators added.

By Charles Q. Choi,? / October 24, 2012

New research from scientists using NASA's Spitzer Space Telescope suggests that a mysterious infrared glow across our whole sky is coming from stray stars torn from galaxies. This artwork is adapted, in part, from galaxy images obtained from the NASA/ESA Hubble Space Telescope.



Stars ripped from their home galaxies as they collide with other galaxies can get slung into giant invisible cocoons of dark matter, researchers say, which might explain mysterious radiation pervading the sky.

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These findings suggest the halos of?dark matter?surrounding galaxies are not completely dark after all, but contain a small number of stars, investigators added.

In recent decades, satellite telescopes have detected more infrared light emanating from the sky than known galaxies could account for. Scientists had suggested this strange glow might come from sources too dim for observatories to see directly ? for instance, the earliest, most distant galaxies. If such?primordial galaxies?were responsible for this radiation, that might suggest far more of them existed than before thought, potentially radically altering notions of how the cosmos evolved.

Now, using NASA's?Spitzer Space Telescope, astronomers have viewed a sufficiently large enough patch of sky to help shed light on this infrared glow. The researchers found that neither primordial galaxies nor faint dwarf galaxies could explain fluctuations in this excess radiation seen across space.

"We have made new measurements of the glow and found it to be brighter in intensity by several orders of magnitude than the first galaxies," study lead author Asantha Cooray, a cosmologist at the University of California, Irvine, told

Instead, the researchers suggest wandering stars in the gargantuan spherical halos of dark matter enveloping their home galaxies might be responsible for this mysterious light. Physicists think invisible, as-yet-unidentified dark matter makes up about 85 percent of all matter in the universe.

"These diffuse stripped halo stars explain the missing infrared glow," Cooray said.

These stars were likely torn from the main bodies of their galaxies during?epic collisions with other galaxies. They may have also been stripped away from their original homes by other galaxies pulling at them with their gravity, just as the moon's gravity tugs at Earth's oceans to generate tides. [Photos of Great Galaxy Crashes]

"For a typical Milky Way-sized galaxy, the intensity of light coming from these halo stars is about 1 percent of the total light from that galaxy," Cooray said. "That fraction grows rapidly, to as high as 20 percent, in denser galaxy environments like galaxy groups and clusters, as collisions and tidal stripping are more frequent in dense regions of the universe."

Mostly, these stars were only exiled to the most distant outskirts of their home galaxies instead of getting hurled out into intergalactic space, trapped as they were by the gravitational pull of the dark matter halos surrounding their galaxies. Galaxies exist in dark matter halos that are much larger than the galaxies; when galaxies merge together, stars and gas sink to the middle of the resulting combined halo.

"If I sum all of the galaxies out to about a billion years?since the Big Bang from today, the stripped diffuse stars contribute about 10 percent of the total infrared light intensity seen by Spitzer ? the rest is the light from galaxies," Cooray said. "The previous explanation attributed that 10 percent of unexplained intensity to primordial galaxies and stars, but the most recent estimates by a variety of authors, not just my group, are that the primordial galaxies contribute at most 0.5 percent."

Future research can see whether data from other telescopes and experiments will confirm the research team's model.

"These halo stars, while bright in the infrared, should also emit visible optical light," Cooray said. As such, the Hubble Space Telescope should be able to see these stars as well, he explained.

The scientists detailed their findings in the Oct. 25 issue of the journal Nature.

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Telus plans LG Optimus G launch on November 13th, other carriers remain shy

LG Optimus G review unbranded

LG committed to launching its mostly superb Optimus G to the three major carriers in Canada sometime in November. Just which day the phone would arrive was left a mystery, though, even when Rogers started taking pre-orders. It's taking another provider to sort things out: Telus has gone on the record with plans to carry the quad-core smartphone starting November 13th, right at the height of what could be a busy month. That's all that the future-is-friendly network can say for now, although Rogers may have provided the remaining piece of the puzzle when it gave out $130 contract and $600 outright prices. We have a hunch Telus wouldn't want to be the exception to the rule.

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Telus plans LG Optimus G launch on November 13th, other carriers remain shy originally appeared on Engadget on Fri, 26 Oct 2012 05:16:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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Buying bed sheets on a budget

Royal Velvet Pure Perfection sheets have deep pockets and elastic all around, so they stay put on pillow-top mattresses.

By Kara Reinhardt,

During the winter months, when your workdays stretch longer than the sun?s, a cozy bed beckons. But pilling, shrunken sheets? Not so much. Consumers who opt for inexpensive sheets must take care to choose the right ones. No sheet set that costs $50 or less will feel the same as luxury sheets with prices as high as their thread counts. But that doesn?t mean you or your guests should sleep on scratchy sheets that slither off the corners of the bed.

Below are Cheapism?s top picks for affordable bed sheets.

  • Royal Velvet Pure Perfection sheets (starting at $50 for a queen set) are made with Egyptian cotton and merit comparisons to pricier sheets in online reviews. Consumers point to the weight, softness, and smart double pleat at the hem. This 325-thread-count set is available in a variety of colors. The fitted sheet has elastic all the way around, so it stays in place. (Where to buy)
  • Elite Home cotton print sheets (starting at $40 for a queen set) come in coordinating patterns, as well as solids. Consumers who have posted reviews online appreciate that these seem to wrinkle less than other cotton sheets. Reviewers deem the 300-thread-count set comfortable and report that it softens considerably in the wash. (Where to buy)

Thread count commands a lot of attention, but don?t make the mistake of equating it with quality. Even a 1,500-thread-count sheet at this price point pales in comparison with a 200-thread-count sheet made with a long-staple cotton such as Egyptian or Pima, whose long fibers produce stronger, finer yarns than lesser cottons. (The Federal Trade Commission has set out specific guidelines for labeling.) That said, more threads per square inch generally make for a denser, smoother, and more durable sheet.

One drawback of 100% cotton sheets is their proclivity for wrinkling. Blends tend to be smoother out of the dryer. Provided you don?t mind ironing or having somewhat rumpled sheets, experts recommend cotton because it?s a comfortable, breathable fabric that will serve you well year-round.

Cotton comes in different weaves with characteristics that appeal to different people. The sheets highlighted above are sateen, which many favor for its softness. Percale has a crisp feel that softens with repeated washing. Flannel sheets will keep you cozy on cold nights and jersey sheets imitate a well-worn T-shirt. Keep in mind that a low-cost sheet probably won?t feel the same as it does in a store after it goes through the wash.

Before you begin shopping, be sure to measure the height of your mattress -- as well as any mattress pad or topper you might use. Popular pillow-top mattresses call for fitted sheets with deep pockets. The sheets cited above measure 17 inches.

One final tip: Don?t wash your sheets in hot water or dry them on high. That can weaken the fibers and fade the colors, sending you back to buy another set.

More from Cheapism:


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Friday, October 26, 2012

Thousands of pregnant women at risk from antidepressants, doctors ...

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Thursday, October 25, 2012

French rogue trader ordered to pay back $7 billion


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Weather Changes Coming Today

Warm Start To Thursday

Breezy, warm and humid conditions still in place across North Texas until the midday hours.? Temperatures this morning only dipped to the 70 degree mark for most areas under partly cloudy skies and breezy south winds.? The south breezes and partly cloudy skies will carrying temperatures close to the 80 degree mark just before the cold front arrives this afternoon.? Here?s how things look around 2 pm:

 Weather Changes Coming Today

Cold Front?Approaches Quickly

The cold front will be in after the lunch hour and should be over the Metroplex around 2pm ? 3pm.? And you won?t miss the front as it passes by.? Winds will gust from the northwest at 30-35 mph and will sustain at 15-25 mph?through the overnight hours?and into tomorrow.? ?Small rain chances exist along the entire length of the front, but overall they are looking small at only 20 percent?for most areas.? Temperatures will tumble?behind the front with about a 20 degree?drop?extended over a 2-3 hour period.? Tomorrow morning it will be in the 40s for all of North Texas.

 Weather Changes Coming Today

Rain Chances After Front

After the cold front presses south, we will stick with cloudy skies for the overnight hours and into Friday.? Chances for spotty light rain will linger behind front at least into the overnight hours especially for the southern half of North Texas.? Here?s how the rain chances stack up today, tonight and tomorrow:

 Weather Changes Coming Today

 Weather Changes Coming Today

 Weather Changes Coming Today

Chilly Mornings Ahead

We are forecasting low temperatures in the 40s tomorrow morning, but 30s and 40s?Saturday and Sunday morning.? At this point, skies look to stay cloudy through Friday morning and this should prevent most areas from dipping into the 30s.? However, clear skies Saturday will bring about 30s for most areas except for metro Dallas with some?pushing close to the freezing mark Saturday morning.? Here are the low temperature forecasts for Friday and Saturday morning:

 Weather Changes Coming Today

 Weather Changes Coming Today




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How Can Business VOIP Help You? |

How Can Business VOIP Help You?

VoIP, or Voice over Internet Protocol, is a communication service that allows telephone conversations by way of the internet. It was created to provide more means of communication and allow individuals other ways to access voice communication. It is very beneficial in a number of ways and for a number of individuals, especially those individuals that travel a lot and visit many different places around the world.

In a business you may need to take and make many different phone calls or telephonic communications. If you are a business individual that travels a lot this can be rather difficult, or at least rather expensive if you are doing so from regular phone lines. If you are paying for every minute that you are on the phone when you are in different places around the world your phone bill can really add up and be quite costly. However, you can?t cut important business calls short. Each minute you are on the phone may be important to your business and your phone calls may require quality time. It is not worth worrying about your time limit or the cost that is accumulating with each minute that you are on the phone. That is when VoIP comes in handy and will really benefit you in your business and your business phone calls.

Business VoIP provides a way for individuals to communicate by telephonic conversations via the internet, which will end up being a lot cheaper and a lot more convenient in the long run. If you end up making international phone calls this will especially make your business a lot cheaper. It is nice on such calls to save money, but another convenient feature is that one can set up conference calls. VoIP uses data packets and allow more data to be used across the carrier, and this helps allow more than two individuals to have a telephonic communication. Being able to communicate with more individuals across a VoIP line can really contribute to one?s business communication and telephonic conversations.

There are many ways in which Voice over Internet Protocol can benefit an individual in their business, or really benefit an entire company. As mentioned, it is cheaper and more convenient. Also, there are many special features with VoIP. Your VoIP account will allow you to make calls anywhere in the world. With one?s internet telephonic communication through VoIP one can also get Caller ID, receive voicemails, and have a contact list and extra-virtual numbers, have 3-way calling, fax, and much more. It features call waiting, blocking, and forwarding just like many phones. It has many basic features that you will find on most phones, not to mention many more advanced features. There are many benefits of VoIP and many ways in which it can benefit your business.


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5 Steps to Managing Customer Service ... - Business 2 Community

Social media is a great customer service tool. While most companies view Twitter and Facebook as a great tool to monitor what customers are saying about them, I?ve written that they are missing opportunities to enhance the customer service and experience by posting value added content.

That said this short article is about how to respond to the irate customer who decides to air his or her grievance using social media channels instead of reaching out to the company directly. Or worse, maybe they tried to reach the company via traditional channels (phone, email, etc.) and didn?t get the response they were looking for.

When a customer complains on social media channels like Twitter or Facebook, the customer?s usual goal is to get the company to respond. The company?s goal is to mitigate or eliminate any negative impressions, and show the customer, and the rest of the world, that they are there to support and help the customer through the problem. The company is trying to avoid a PR nightmare. Managed properly, the result will be the opposite of the nightmare, showing the customer, their friends and potentially the rest of the world that the company stands behind their products and offers amazing customer service.

Here are five simple steps to managing a customer complaint on Twitter, Facebook and other similar social media channels:

  1. First and foremost, respond quickly. Many customers feel that a same-day response is acceptable. Some companies attempt to respond within an hour. I just worked with 1-800 Flowers and their goal is to respond within five minutes. That?s a pretty amazing goal.
  2. Think of this as a conversation. Respond in a very conversational style. Don?t use a canned answer. Customize your response if possible.
  3. If they are obviously angry, don?t become defensive. The risk is that you start an argument in front of everyone. Instead, take control of the comment by first apologizing for any issue they are having, and letting them know that you are there to help.
  4. Ask them to direct message you their contact information so you can get the information needed to call them on the phone or start a longer email conversation ? in private.
  5. Once the problem is resolved, go back to them on the original social media channel they used to reach to you and thank them for bringing the problem to your attention and the opportunity to fix it. Show there was a positive resolution.

The bottom line is this: If you don?t deliver, at a minimum, an acceptable level of service, the whole world can find out about it. Embrace social media. Your customers do, and that means you should, too.


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Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Study: Cancer patients overestimate value of chemo

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