Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Camera+ for iPhone and iPad updates with flash for front-facing camera and more

The popular photography app Camera+ by tap tap tap has been updated with several new features, the most interesting one being the addition of a "flash" to the front-facing camera. Obviously, this flash isn't a real flash since that is a hardware piece, but Camera+ now flashes a bright white background onto the screen when taking a photo to simulate using a flash. This is similar to the approach that Apple takes with Photo Booth on the Mac.

Another notable feature added to Camera+ is a horizon level that ensures you don't take a crooked photo. Instead of a complicated looking meter that some apps use, tap tap tap took a new approach by replacing one of the segments of the gridlines with a bolder tilting segment. When the segment lines up with your gridlines, then you know your photo is straight.

Camera+ has also added a Live Exposure feature that should draw the attention of iPhoneographers who want more control. Now you can see how the changes to exposure parameters like ISO and shutter speed change in real-time. This will be a great time-saver for many.

You may not have ever realized it, but when using the camera on the iPhone 5, the viewfinder actually crops a little bit of what your camera actually sees and what you'll get. Camera+ has fixed this problem and set up the interface in a way that ensures there is absolutely no viewfinder cropping. What you see is what you shoot.

All of these features to Camera+ are quite excellent and I look forward to spending more time with the app over the coming weeks.

Both the iPhone and iPad versions of Camera+ are on sale, so if you're interested in picking this one up, do it now! After you do, we'd love to see your photos in the iMore Photography forum!

$0.99 for iPhone - Download Now

$0.99 for iPad - Download Now


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